The isolation birthday party checklist


It’s all too easy to forget with everything going on, that all the normal things in life are still trucking along. The sun still shines, the Earth still laps it, and we still have birthdays. What is usually a call for celebration and cake with friends is now feeling a little less sparkly and a little less fun for little ones. 

✨This blog is all about isolation birthday hacks to bring the sparkle back to birthdays.  

Have a Netflix party

Download the Netflix extension to remotely watch TV shows and movies with friends. It will remotely sync playback and even has a group chat. 

Visit a museum or zoo

Now you can see Frida Kahlo at MOMA, check out the Sistine Chapel at the vatican museum or see some penguins in the aquarium, all without leaving home. Or perhaps you have a budding astronaut? Go on a virtual tour of NASA’s research centres! See a full list here

Drive by Party

If friends and family live nearby, they can fill their car with balloons, play a silly song and are permitted to go ham on the horn as they drive by. It’s a special honk party where they can sing happy birthday from the window in the driveway. 

Lounge room Campout

Tents are designed for roughing it in the wilderness. They’re also just as happy perked up prettily in the backyard or in the loungeroom. Plan a themed birthday and take a hike to the relative comfort of a domestic campout. If you have an outside firepit, crack open the marshmallows otherwise a bunnings portable gas stove will do the trick in the Kitchen!

Zoom party

Unlike your zoom and google hangouts conference calls, there’s a number of ways you can use these platforms for partying, not just planning. You could play musical statues, red light green light or pictionary. Could you have egg and spoon races by pitting 2 kids against each other and having them run a similar distanced lap around their own houses? Or if everyone plays minecraft perhaps set up a multiplayer treasure hunt!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from their favourite character

On a brighter day perhaps your kids would have wished for Elsa or Spiderman to come to their party. Try reaching out to a character company and ask if they’ll send a video recording OR if you’re hosting a Zoom party, if they can attend! If you’re Australia based, check out glitterbomb parties, founded by one third of The Beanies!

Out of this whole list though, it is this final and most SIMPLE suggestion that is our favourite. 

Have a YES day

Yes to everything! Pancakes for dinner? Yes. Jumping on the bed? Yes. Frozen 2 for the thousandth time? Yes. Socks outside? Ok yes. You get it. This is the stuff of our wildest childhood dreams. Within reason there are going to be things that you can’t say yes to, but for the most part, the simple yesses will make all the difference- like having 100’s and 1000’s sprinkles on their pasta.